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Modern Foreign Language

At Crampton Primary school we believe that learning a foreign language provides an opening to other cultures. Language education should foster pupils’ curiosity and deepen their understanding of the world. Our teaching enables pupils to express their ideas and thoughts in another language and to understand and respond. It also provides opportunities for them to communicate for practical purposes, learn new ways of thinking. Language teaching provides the foundation for learning further languages, equipping our pupils to study and work in other countries. 


At Crampton Primary we want our pupils to develop a love for learning to speak, read and write in different languages. We want them to understand how to learn a new language, and feel confident that they can learn to communicate in a language other than English. 

We recognise that we have many children who are already bilingual at least, and we want to ensure that the diverse range of languages already spoken by children in the school are celebrated.

We know that having the capability to communicate in a range of languages offers our children significant advantages in their later life, opening the world to a wider range of professional choices.



MFL is taught formally in Key Stage 2, with French used as our chosen foreign language to anchor our learning. We use Babelzone to support teachers to plan and teach French across Key Stage 2, building upon skills through songs and stories and then from Lower Key Stage 2 to Upper Key Stage 2, ensuring progression and challenge as they move through the school.

French lessons are taught weekly. This helps the children to acquire a bank of vocabulary organised around topics and gives them opportunities to apply this knowledge by asking and answering questions and composing sentences, often using a model, and to learn and practise grammatical structures and phonemic knowledge.

Development is progressive as the children build on previous knowledge from units already studied, using short oral activities to reinforce and practise the learning from previous lessons.



We measure the impact of our curriculum through observing children speaking and listening in French.

The MFL subject leader monitors the impact MFL teaching is having on the children’s learning, through lesson visits and pupil voice, to ensure the progress of knowledge and skills is being taught.

Through our Babelzone scheme, the knowledge and skills taught are revisited and the children can apply the skills they have been taught.

Impact is also be measured through key speak and listening skills built into lessons.



Year Group and Subject Progression


 AutumnSpring Summer
Year 1


Aware of Language

To understand why we are learning a language


Meeting and Greeting

Know how to meet and greet / understand basic instructions

Receiving and giving instructions

Practise giving / receiving instructions

Year 2


Counting the days

To learn the numbers from 0 - 12 and learn days and dates.


Just how old are you?

To ask and answer questions about our age.


What and Where?

To extend vocabulary - names of places and classroom objects.

Year 3


Who is in your family?

To be able to use avoir & family member

(j'ai un frere, etc.)

Colourful Weather

To recognise and say colours. To describe the weather

Animal Instinct

To be able to answer the question:

Tu as un animal?

Year 4

Count On

To be able to count to 20 and tell the time


Express yourself

To know the names of school subjects and express an opinion using:

j'aime / je n'aime pas.


Silly Disguises

Tu es comment?

To be able to talk about our physical appearance and clothes

Year 5


Famous People

Tu es comment?

To be able to describe ourselves

Verb Dance

To use verbs of action on the present tense.


Celebrate France!

To learn about French food and related vocabulary

Year 6


Tell a Tale

To be able to understand the main points in a spoken story or song


My Hero

To recognise and understand cultural differences.


The world is a stage

To memorise and perform a poem, song, story or sketch.

