Crampton has an active School Travel Plan and we encourage pupils to walk and cycle to school.
- Most children at Crampton walk to school.
- We takepart in the National Walk to School Week.
- We have a crossing patrol person on the corner of Iliffe Street and Penton Place.
- We promote a range of cycling activities;
- We have a pool of four bicycles for pupils to use
- Bikeability Cycle Training
- Level One - Year's 3 & 4
- Level Two - Year 5
- Special Cycle Club for pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
- We have covered cycle parking.
Road Safety
- Pupils have Road Safety training in Year 1.
- Theatre Group's present Road Safety performance to pupils in KS1 and KS2
- Dangerous Theatre Company - Year's 1 & 2
- The Riot Act - Year's 5 & 6
The School Council contributes to the School Travel Plan and information about events will be in the Newsletter.
If you have any concerns about travel issues getting to school please come in to speak to us.