We deliver the majority of our subjects through our cross curricular 'Learning Journey' curriculum.
Pupils study a broad topic with a specific title such as 'Save our Planet', 'War and Peace' or 'Explorers' and we aim to link as many curriculum areas to this topic as possible. This allows pupils to understand the links between different subject areas and to develop learning and thinking skills. We aim to begin our learning journey with an interesting hook, mystery or ignitor event to spark the children's love for learning.
Our teaching staff actively seek out opportunities to build on pupils' specific interests and to further develop the subject areas that pupils have most enjoyed during the learning journey.
'Learning Journey' includes history, geography, art, design and technology, computing, science, PSHCE, RE and some Modern Foreign Language (MFL). At times, some of these subjects are also taught discretely.
If you would like more information about our curriculum please email