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At Crampton Primary School we believe happy children become happy learners. 

Through our teaching of PSHE, we meet the key aims of our curriculum:

  • To empower our children to contribute actively to society
  • To develop self-motivated learners who are curious and aspirational about the world they live in
  • To support our school ethos of celebrating equality and diversity


In PSHE we focus on teaching the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of positive relationships, with particular reference to friendships, family relationships, and relationships with other children and adults. Through the RSE embedded within our PSHE curriculum we teach the children how to be safe and to develop healthy relationships both now and in the future.


Building positive relationships is integral to our school community. Staff lead by example in demonstrating the empathy and kindness that we hope our students will develop throughout their time here, and by building positive relationships with the children and their families.


Our preventative PSHE education helps Crampton children to know how they can support each other, manage their own behaviour and get help for themselves or their friends when they need it. Our curriculum also covers personal development, health & safety, emotional health, anti-bullying, inclusion & equality, children’s rights, behaviour & welfare, Citizenship, British values and Social, Moral, Spiritual, Cultural education (SMSC).


When our children leave Crampton we want to have equipped them with the skills to be respectful and active members of society, who are able to understand and manage their emotions, and are able to look after their physical and mental health and well-being. We teach children the Crampton values to develop their emotional literacy. We hope they will take these values with them throughout their lives, as well as the knowledge and skills they have learned here, so that they are able to be the best versions of themselves that they can be.


How we teach PSHE at Crampton

PSHE is taught through discrete lessons in class, as well as through assemblies, drama, visitors and workshops. We also make many cross-curricular links to our Learning Journey, Science, RE and PE topics.

There are three core themes split across three terms. The content builds year on year in a spiral approach.


Core Theme 1: Health and Wellbeing Core Theme 2: Relationships Core Theme 3: Living in the Wider World

What is meant by a healthy lifestyle

How to develop and maintain a variety of healthy relationships, within a range of social/cultural contexts

How to develop and maintain a variety of healthy relationships, within a range of social/cultural contexts

How to maintain physical mental and emotional health and wellbeing

How to recognise and manage emotions within a range of relationships

About rights and responsibilities as members of families other groups and ultimately as citizens

How to manage risks to physical and emotional health and wellbeing

How to recognise risky or negative relationships including all forms of bullying and abuse

About different groups and communities

Ways of keeping physically and emotionally safe

How to respond to risky or negative relationships and ask for help

To respect equality and to be a productive member of a diverse community

About managing change, such as puberty, transition and loss

How to respect equality and diversity in relationships

How to respect equality and diversity in relationships

How to make informed choices about health and wellbeing and to recognise sources of help with this

The characteristics of a healthy family life and how families may appear different to their own.

About where money comes from, keeping it safe and the importance of managing it effectively

How to respond in an emergency and know some basic concepts of first aid.

The characteristics of friendships and how to seek advice from others if a friendship makes them feel unhappy.

How money plays an important part in people’s lives

To identify different influences on health and wellbeing

How to manage online relationships safely and how to be a discerning consumer of information online.

A basic understanding of enterprise.


The development of attributes and skills are key to the personal development of the children and our PSHE curriculum covers the following essential skills:


The intrapersonal skills required for self-management

The interpersonal skills required for positive relationships in a wide variety of settings

Skills of enquiry

1. Self-improvement (including through constructive self-reflection, seeking constructive feedback and effective goal-setting)

2. Identifying unhelpful ‘thinking traps’ (e.g. generalisation and stereotyping)

3. Resilience (including self-motivation, perseverance and adaptability)

4. Self-regulation (including promotion of a positive, growth mind-set and managing strong emotions and impulses)

5. Recognising and managing peer influence and the need for peer approval, including evaluating perceived social norms

6. Self-organisation (including time management)

7. Strategies for identifying and accessing appropriate help and support

8. Clarifying own values (including reflection on the origins of personal values and beliefs) and re-evaluating values and beliefs in the light of new learning, experiences and evidence

9. Recalling and applying knowledge creatively and in new situations

10. Developing and maintaining a healthy self-concept (including self-confidence, realistic self-image, self-worth, assertiveness, self-advocacy and self-respect)

1. Empathy and compassion (including impact on decision-making and behaviour)

2. Respect for others’ right to their own beliefs, values and opinions

3. Discernment in evaluating the arguments and opinions of others (including challenging ‘group think’)

4. Skills for employability, including    

  • Active listening and communication (including assertiveness skills)
  • Team working
  • Negotiation (including flexibility, self-advocacy and compromise within an awareness of personal boundaries)
  • Leadership skills
  • Presentation skills

5. Enterprise skills and attributes (e.g. aspiration, creativity, goal setting, identifying opportunities, taking positive risks)

6. Recognising, evaluating and utilising strategies for managing influence

7. Valuing and respecting diversity

8. Using these skills and attributes to build and maintain healthy relationships of all kinds

1. Identification, assessment (including prediction) and management of positive and negative risk to self and others

2. Formulating questions (as part of an enquiring approach to learning and to assess the value of information)

3. Analysis (including separating fact and reasoned argument from rumour, speculation and opinion)

4. Assessing the validity and reliability of information

5. Identify links between values and beliefs, decisions and actions

6. Making decisions


PSHE Yearly Overview



Year group

Autumn Term


Spring Term


Summer Term



  • My identity and skills
  • Self-awareness
  • Developing skills – Growing (SRE)
  • Basic hygiene (SRE)
  • Healthy & safe
  • Friendship
  • Communication
  • Special people
  • Internet safety (where and how to report concerns with issues online)


  • Rules and keeping safe
  • Accidents & prevention
  • Co-operative skills
  • Contributing to ‘life in the classroom’


Year 1

  • Healthy and safe: Germs, disease and personal hygiene
  • Feeling unsure
  • Parts of the body (SRE)
  • Growing & changing (SRE)


  • Who are our friends?
  • Describing feelings
  • Loss and change: losing pets, friends, moving house.
  • Memories & growing up
  • Internet safety (reporting concerns, getting support with issues, why the internet is beneficial, keeping information private)
  • Differences between fantasy & reality
  • Being different: Peoples’ views & opinions
  • Recycling
  • Road safety


Year 2

  • Healthy and safe: exercise & routine
  • Healthy eating
  • Self-esteem and body parts inc. how they work (SRE)
  • Babies & birth: Growing from young – old (SRE)
  • Drug education inc. medicines
  • Anti-bullying – diversity
  • Coping with conflict
  • Making & breaking friendships
  • Variety of family relationships
  • Personal safety: Who to talk to
  • Internet safety (reporting concerns, considering effects of online actions on others, respectful online behaviour, keeping personal information private)


  • Money & spending
  • School community
  • Safety in the environment
  • Festivals and special days
  • Global food


Year 3

  • Healthy and safe: personal hygiene, bacteria and viruses
  • Anti-bullying: coping with pressure
  • Positive & negative feelings
  • Making choices
  • Gender, growing & reproducing (SRE)
  • Drug education: Dangers of smoking & passive smoking, and prevention
  • Basic First Aid


  • Looking after others: behaving responsibly
  • Types of relationship (SRE)
  • Extended families
  • Roles in school
  • Positive and healthy relationships (SRE)
  • Peer pressure (SRE)
  • Internet safety (risks of excessive time online, positive and negative content, why some social media and games are age restricted)
  • Being part of a community
  • Councilors: what do they do?
  • Children’s rights
  • School & local democracy
  • Communities
  • The world of work
  • British Values
  • Sustainable development


Year 4

  • Healthy eating: making food choices, planning meals
  • Health and prevention:  sleep, diet, exercise, personal hygiene , mental wellbeing
  • Basic First Aid
  • Drug education: The effects of alcohol & how to make safe decisions
  • Decision making, consequences
  • Rights & responsibilities


  • Persuasion & pressure: Keeping secrets – when we should / shouldn’t do this.
  • Anti-bullying: Equal opportunities inc. disabilities
  • Loss and separation
  • Internet safety (age restrictions, knowing where and how to report concerns when the internet becomes a negative place)
  • Puberty: How your body will change (SRE)
  • Emotional changes through puberty (SRE)




  • Media & the Community: how the media can influence decisions
  • Persuasion in the Media (Television & adverts)
  • Recycling in the local community
  • Protecting personal information / recognising risks
  • Fundraising activities
  • Children’s rights


Year 5

  • Healthy and Safe: how our lifestyle contributes to health
  • Healthy eating, including nutritional content
  • Habits
  • Autonomy and taking care of our body
  • Personal hygiene, risk & safety
  • Drug education: knowing that some are legal, some are restricted and some are illegal
  • Drug education: the risks and effects of alcohol, attitudes to drugs, making safe decisions
  • How a range of issues can affect families: bereavement, divorce, separation etc.
  • Anti-bullying
  • Being left out & discrimination
  • Internet safety (rationing time online, negative effects on mental health, how to be a discerning consumer of information online)
  • Gender differences & puberty, including development from birth, naming specific body parts and understanding their function (SRE)
  • Human reproduction (SRE)


  • Challenging stereotypes
  • Diversity: people living in other places with different value & customs
  • Children’s rights
  • Personal safety
  • Global community project: Refugee Week
  • Money and saving
  • Setting goals and targets
  • Local democracy



Year 6

  • Personal responsibility
  • Health and prevention: sleep, healthy eating, exercise, personal hygiene, mental wellbeing
  • Basic first aid
  • Emotional responses
  • Drug education: the effects and risks of drugs and consequences of use
  • Moving on: Loss, separation, divorce, bereavement, transitions
  • Conflict resolution
  • Secrets and dilemmas
  • Arguments and families
  • Internet safety (age restrictions, negative impact on mental health of online abuse, fake news and how to be a discerning consumer of information online)
  • Change (including transitions to secondary school, loss, bereavement, divorce) and coping strategies
  • What is ‘love’? Different types of love (parental, partner, friendship etc.)  (SRE)
  • Communicating in a relationship (SRE)
  • FGM (SRE)
  • Local facilities in our local community
  • Managing finances (interest, loans, debts, tax)
  • Democracy & decisions: Government & Parliament
  • Racism & its consequences in a wider world

