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++++Welcome to the Crampton Primary School Website++++

Special Educational Needs & Disabilities

At Crampton we are very proud to be a fully inclusive, nurturing school where every child matters.

Our school leaders and Governors include all SEND children in their vision and aspirations and have a strong determination that every pupil must have access to all aspects of school life. As a result of this, pupils with SEND receive very effective provision and achieve extremely well.

At Crampton we are very good at quickly identifying pupils who may have special educational needs, monitoring and observing, discussing with families and seeking the appropriate support to help us to meet the pupils' social and emotional needs as well as their academic needs. 

Pupils and families are given all the support they require to ensure that they have the best possible start to their journey in education.

We closely monitor all children to ensure every child is challenged and makes progress at their level in a happy, safe and secure environment - staff expect as much of pupils with SEND as they do all others. All our staff plan and skillfully adapt our lively, broad and balanced curriculum so that every child can be successful.


The children with SEND at Crampton have thrived in our care and have participated fully in the life of the school 

  • In the curriculum
  • In extra-curricular activities
  • In concerts & Performances
  • On school visits 
  • On school residentials.


For further information please read our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Policy which can be found in the policies section of our website.
