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Pupil Premium

At Crampton Primary School we believe that all children deserve a varied, rich curriculum, excellent teaching and a caring environment in order to fulfil their potential. We regularly analyse data and provide intervention for children who are not attaining to their age related expectations or are not making as much progress as they are capable of.

We have a high teacher to pupil ratio and we recruit and retain experienced teachers. Employing additional teaching staff allows us to cover teachers non-contact time as well as enabling teachers to work with small groups for intensive teaching.

We employ a highly qualified teacher for 1:1 tuition for literacy and mathematics. This has been a successful strategy for us and will continue this year.

We employ high quality support staff who are trained to support children in small groups or 1:1 for literacy and numeracy. We also use Pupil Premium funding to part fund a pupil development centre with a trained counsellor. many of our children need this emotional support.

We run an in house breakfast club which prioritises children who find it difficult to separate from parents or who do not enter school calmly.


Pupil Premium Initiatives

Teacher feedback sessions: Class teachers will be released from class to take children in groups, pairs or individually, this builds on the success of last year's group work, but also has a focus based on recent research: to give pupils focussed feedback on their work and support in improvement.


TA time: The percentage of children receiving free school meals has been taken into account when allocating teaching assistant hours to classes.


Time out for parents: Parent skills 5 week course


PDC: We run a pupil development centre with a trained counsellor to support children with emotional need.


Subsidies: Subsidies for school trips, daily and residential for families in need
