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++++We wish all our Families a very Safe and Fun filled Summer Holiday and look forward to Welcoming you all back in September+++++

Year One

Design and Technology - Fruit Tasting

Art - 16th January

This afternoon, year one got hands on with watercolours, learning how to wash the page. they then has the task of colour mixing to match the colours on an image.

Art - 9th January

Year 1 explored watercolour using a range of brushes and holding them in a variety of ways to make watercolour marks. They were exploring the paint without a fixed image in mind, just testing and trying techniques.

Christmas Lunch - 19th December 

Visit to St. Pauls Cathedral - 12th December

Christmas Performance - 5th December

Maths - 1st December

Children exploring by building their own towers and learning the names of 3D shapes. They experimented to see which 3D shapes could be stacked and which could not and began to understand why.

Design & Technology - 1st December

Year 1 have started their wrapping paper for the Christmas Fair. Following their designs and patterns from previous weeks.

RE - 29th November

After learning about the Christmas Story, year 1 began to think about how Christians celebrate Christmas. They learnt about 'Advent', the countdown to the special day, and created their own advent wreaths

ICT - 24th November

Year 1 have been creatively exploring patterns with shapes on the ipads; seamlessly integrating their design and math concepts in one.

Art - 16th November

Year 1 have been busy discussing what and who their products will be for and learning about different types of patterns and then developing their ideas for their winter wrapping on paper.

Black Cultural Archives, Brixton - 13th November

Today, year 1 went to the Black Cultural Archives in Brixton and learnt about the Jonkonnu Masquerade which started on the plantations of the Caribbean. They learnt about the history, music and costume of Jokonnu and performed a masquerade of their own

Local History - 7th November

Year 1 had a visit from Jess and Jeevan from the Southwark Heritage Centre in Walworth Road. They had a workshop about our local area and then went on a walk to learn about some of the history of Walworth.

Singing with Miss. Stansfield - 2nd November

Today Years 1 and 2 started their singing rehearsals for their Christmas Performance.

Afterschool Lego Club

Art - 12th October

Year 1 have been using their imagination when drawing onto their watercolour shapes.

Computing - 9th October

This afternoon year 1 have been practising using the keyboards on the laptop to type.

Art - 4th October

Organised chaos as the children recycled scrap paper to make their own elastic band sketchbooks!

Art - 3rd October 2023

The children practised controlling their mark making tool and keeping it on paper for the duration of the exercise to try continuous line drawings. they drew different shells and observed the small details.

Art - 20th September

This afternoon Year One made their own human compasses and created a piece of outdoor artwork inspired by Molly Hausland
