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Introduction of Seesaw Family

Dear Parents / Carers
Following the successful launch of the Home Learning platform Seesaw, we are now pleased to be able to introduce Seesaw Family, this is for the use of the parent / carer only and is a tool to allow you to see your child's work. 
Seesaw Family is a separate log in and account to your child’s log in. It will allow you to see your child/rens activities and work and will also allow you to message the teacher if you have any questions about their work.
Here is a video that will help to explain Seesaw Family:
If you would like to become part of the Seesaw Family, please email by Thursday 7th May with the name of your child/ren and their year group, you will then be sent the relevant year group link.
If you have more than one child, you will only need one log-in account, however you will receive a separate year group link for each of your children.
On behalf of Mrs.Collier
Many Thanks
Chris Giles