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Accessibility Plan 2024 / 2027

Section One: Vision Statement


Purpose of the Plan

The purpose of this plan is to show how Crampton Primary School intends, over time, to increase the accessibility of our school for disabled pupils. Crampton Primary School is committed to providing an environment that enables full curriculum access that values and includes all pupils, staff, parents and visitors regardless of their education, physical, sensory, social, spiritual, emotional and cultural needs.



This Plan is drawn up as a facet of the EQUALITY ACT 2010. The Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties) Regulations came into force on 1st October 2010. The act replaces previous anti-discrimination laws with a single act to make the law simpler and remove inconsistencies. The act covers nine protected characteristics, which cannot be used as a reason to treat people unfairly. Every person has one or more of the characteristics, so the act protects everyone against unfair treatment.

This plan relates to accessibility for disabled persons at Crampton Primary School. It draws on the guidance set out in ‘Accessible Schools: Planning to increase access to schools for disabled pupils’, issued by DFES in July 2002.


Our school values the placing of children and maximising their potential at the centre of everything we do. We believe that all children, including those identified as having special educational needs and disabilities [SEND], have the same entitlement as all other children to a broad and balanced academic and social curriculum. Curricula need to be accessible to them, based on how maximising their inclusion in all aspects of school life and on being equally valued in school. We strive to eliminate prejudice and discrimination, and to develop an environment where all children can learn, develop and grow.


Purpose of our accessibility plan

We have developed this accessibility plan to make these values real for all pupils, staff, parents / guardians and visitors especially those with a disability, by:


  • Increasing the extent to which children with disabilities can participate in the curriculum
  • Enhancing our physical environment to enable children with disabilities to take better advantage of the education, benefits, facilities and services provided
  • Improving the availability of accessible information for children with disabilities



Crampton School is proud to be a fully inclusive school. We all learn through working with children with a variety of needs, and know that inclusion of children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) in mainstream school is possible and successful.

We believe that inclusion of children with SEND benefits all our children both in school and into adult life


Section Two: Aims and Objectives


Improving the curriculum plan



Provide training for teachers / TAs on differentiating the curriculum for disabled students when appropriate.







  • Review staff training requirements at the start of the new academic year


  • Review  the specific needs for pupils living with SEND, in terms of basic daily living skills, relationships and future aspirations.




  • All teachers / TAs are able to more fully meet the requirements of disabled children's needs with regards to accessing the curriculum
  • Teachers / TAs aware of the relevant issues and can ensure that children with SEND have equality of access to life-preparations learning. The use of other professional partners has been made available.

On going





On going







  • Ongoing and continued access to all areas of the curriculum
  • Pupils equipped with life skills and learning





Training for Awareness Raising of Disability Issues


  • Providing training for all. (Staff, governors, pupils & parents)


  • Whole school community aware of issues relating to access

When required


To benefit by a more inclusive school


Organise classrooms to promote the participation and independence of all pupils - with particular reference to disabled students if present
  • Review and implement a preferred layout of furniture and equipment to support the learning of all pupils with particular emphasis on disabled pupils
  • Lessons start on time without the need to make adjustments to accommodate the needs of individual pupils
  • All pupils to access the curriculum using aids if needed

On going




As required


On going



On going

Ensure the curriculum is fully accessible to pupils with SEND








  • Consideration of alternative communication system e.g. PECS
  • Consider the way in which information is presented to pupils
  • Consider ways in which pupils can communicate ideas
  • All pupils to access curriculum









On going









On going









Provide ICT resources to support learning of pupils with SEND



  • Review the school's ICT provision, including planning and resources e.g. i-pads & smart boards
  • All pupils have access to new technology and make required progress



On going





On going





All off-site activities are planned to ensure the participation of all pupils



  • Review all off-site activities / provision to ensure accessibility to all




  • All off-site activities / provision will be conducted in an inclusive environment with providers that comply with all current and future legislative requirements
On going

On going - continued access to all pupils




Administering medication




  • Ensure all First Aid trained staff maintain schedule



  • First Aid trained staff better equipped to meet the medication requirements of disabled pupils where necessary

On going review




On going







Improving the Delivery of Written Information


Make available school brochures, school newsletters and other information for parents in alternate formats
  • Review all current school publications and promote the availability in different formats for those that require it.
  • All school information available for all


When required



Delivery of school information to parents / guardians


Review documentation with a view of ensuring accessibility for pupils with visual impairment
  • Advice from visual impairment agency on alternate formats and use of IT software to produce customised materials
  • All school information available to all


When required



Delivery of school information to parents / guardians



Access to the school building and classrooms

The current building was constructed in 1965, having been bombed during the Second World War in 1942; over the following years the building has been extended (with currently no ability to provide a lift). In the main, the ground floor and playgrounds are accessible by all pupils, staff, parents / guardians and visitors.

Every reasonable effort has been made to improve the accessibility of the school to those with disabilities where ever possible.



Main Building  (Ground Floor)




  • The entrance to the building is sloped allowing easy access via main reception or a single wide door via the main playground
  • There is a provision of a disabled toilet
  • Wide corridors and classroom entrances have flat floors

First Floor


  • There is currently no disabled access to the first floor due to lack of a lift


Multi-purpose Hall (Ground Floor)



  • Access into the hall is via wheelchair accessible corridors and have flat floors


Main Playground & New Land





  • Available to all pupils
  • Access to the main playground is available without the need for steps via a single white door using the main corridor.
  • Access to the 'New Land' is via a paved area with a small step; a slope at the entrance to the 'New Land' gives access.

Access to hand washing facilities outside the main building







  • Hand washing facilities for children in Key stage one and two are available on the exterior wall of the school house accessed from the main flat playground. There are three sensor taps, liquid hand soap and paper towels available.
  • Hand washing facilities for children in Reception Class is available on an exterior wall located in the Reception class flat playground at the rear of the classroom. There are three sensor taps, liquid had soap and paper towels available.

Access to drinking water outside the main building


  • Drinking water is available on the exterior wall of the Intervention Room, beside the Year 1classroom, accessed from the main flat playground.
  • There is one drinking fountain and one water bottle filling station

Access to toilets outside the main building



  • Toilets are available for pupils in Key stage one and two for use at playtime or outdoor activities. This is accessed via a small step from the main flat playground.


Links to other Policies / Documents

This plan should be read in conjunction with our School Offer and our SEND Policy, as well as relevant aspects of our Medical Needs policy which also has implication for some children with disabilities who also have medical needs.


  • Attendance policy
  • Behaviour policy
  • Educational Visits policy
  • Medical policy
  • Safeguarding policy
  • Single Equalities policy


Monitoring and Review of the Plan

It is a requirement that the school’s accessibility plan is resourced, implemented, reviewed and revised as necessary and reported on annually.



We have identified that all staff need to be aware of the accessibility plan and we will ensure that all teachers, support staff and administrative / premises staff are briefed accordingly.

Specific training required for staff to ensure the plan can be implemented effectively.



Reviewed February 2024

Approved By: Marian Kennedy (Head Teacher)

Next Review Date: February 2027
