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++++We wish all our Families a very Safe and Fun filled Summer Holiday and look forward to Welcoming you all back in September+++++


Purpose of the policy
The purpose of this policy is to make clear what is expected of teaching staff, pupils and parents or carers
regarding weekly homework activities. This policy also sets out the rationale behind Crampton’s chosen
homework structure and homework procedures.


At Crampton, homework is set for a number of reasons:

  • To give parents/carers an insight into the learning that is currently happening in the classroom, so that pupils can be better supported at home. If parents/carers, have a good understanding of their child’s current learning topics, they are in a position to reinforce the key learning points at home.
  • To give pupils an opportunity to practise key skills and elements of learning. For example, pupils need the opportunity to practise reading, spelling and mental arithmetic outside of the classroom to build fluency and accuracy.
  • To give pupils a chance to extend their learning. Homework should give pupils the opportunity to apply skills and knowledge they have learnt in the classroom and to demonstrate in a different context.
  • To build on enthusiasm for a subject or topic! Homework can also give pupils an opportunity to discover more about a topic they are enjoying.


The overall aim of setting homework is to give our pupils the best chance to reach their academic potential.



Homework procedures
• Homework is set on a Friday, to be completed for the following Wednesday.
• All pupils will be set homework via seesaw, our remote learning platform.
• Teachers will mark pupils homework on seesaw on Wednesday or Thursday in accordance with the school’s feedback policy.
• Teachers will keep a record of any pupils who hand homework in late or who do not complete homework.
• All children are also provided with a reading record to record their daily reading.

Format of homework
Homework will consist of the following elements:

  • Reading: It is a school expectation that pupils will read for at least 15 minutes a day and that a parent/carer will sign the reading record daily. It is expected that parents/carers hear their child read during this time.

  • Announcement on seesaw: Each week the teacher will provide a weekly ‘announcement’ which will give an overview of the weeks’ learning in class and any key facts that are the current focus of learning.
  • Seesaw tasks: Depending on year group, pupils may have literacy and/or maths tasks to complete. See the chart on next page for year group expectations.
  • Spellings: Pupils will also receive spellings to learn. These will be printed onto a ‘look, cover, write, check’ sheet which pupils should practise daily.


 ReadingKey skillsOther activities
Reception15 minutes daily reading (minimum).
  • 5 words (first 100 high frequency words)
  • Key maths facts.
  • Research or home projects may occasionally be set.
Year 115 minutes daily reading (minimum).
  • 5 words (first 200 high frequency words)
  • Key maths facts
  • Key grammar facts
  • A maths activity OR a written task, depending on the learning focus that week.
  • Research or home projects may occasionally be set.
Year 215 minutes daily reading (minimum).
  • 6-8 spellings
  • Key maths facts, including times tables.
  • Key grammar facts
  • A maths activity.
  • A literacy activity.
  • Research or home projects may occasionally be set.
Year 315 minutes daily reading (minimum).
  • 6-8 spellings
  • Key maths facts, including times tables.
  • Key grammar facts
  • Maths activities: including MyMaths online activity.
  • Literacy activity: A grammar or written task.
  • Research or home projects may occasionally be set.
Year 415 minutes daily reading (minimum).
  • 6-8 spellings
  • Key maths facts, including times tables.
  • Key grammar facts
  • Maths activities: including Maths Mastery booklet and MyMaths online activity).
  • Literacy activity: A grammar or written task.
  • Research or home projects may occasionally be set.
Year 515 minutes daily reading (minimum).
  • 6-8 spellings
  • Key maths facts, including times tables.
  • Key grammar facts
  • Maths activities: including Maths Mastery booklet and MyMaths online activity).
  • Literacy activity: A grammar or a written task.
  • Research
Year 615 minutes daily reading (minimum).
  • 10 spellings.
  •  Key maths facts, including times tables.
  • Key grammar facts.
  • Maths activities: including a MyMaths activity.
  • Literacy activity: A grammar or a written task.
  • Grammar activity on
  • Research



• It is the responsibility of the class teachers to ensure that this policy is consistently carried out.
• It is the responsibility of all parents/carers to support their child in completing their homework and handing it in on time. Parents/carers should discuss any concerns or issues with homework with their child’s classteacher as soon as possible.
• It is the responsibility of pupils to try their hardest to complete the homework set by their teacher and to hand it in on time.
• It is the responsibility of the senior leadership team to ensure that homework is monitored and evaluated as part of the quality assurance of teaching and learning across the school.

 Equality of opportunity
All pupils are entitled to be set homework in accordance with this policy.

SEN and Inclusion
Homework must be accessible to all pupils and should reflect their individual needs and abilities. Where appropriate, homework tasks will be differentiated to meet the needs of the individual.

Monitoring, evaluation and review
Monitoring of the policy will be conducted through work scrutiny led by the Headteacher and senior leadership team as appropriate, as well as feedback from parents and learners. It will be monitored for whole school consistency and evaluated for impact on pupils’ outcomes.

Policy Date: September 2023
Date of next review: September 2024
