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++++We wish all our Families a very Safe and Fun filled Summer Holiday and look forward to Welcoming you all back in September+++++

Educational Visits

We feel at Crampton that school visits are an essential part in a young person's development. It can broaden and enhance both the learning and social experience and in most cases can be extremely memorable.


Visits to various Religious Buildings, Museums, Art Galleries, Parks and Gardens as well as Historic Residences such as Hampton Court Palace and the Tower London take place throughout the academic year.


The visits are arranged to support the specific 'Learning Journeys' within each year group which supports the introduction of the new curriculum which came into effect from 1st September 2014.


Residential Visits

Residential Visits are organised each year for children during the summer term; the visits have a cross-curricular focus and can have links to class topics, however we feel at Crampton such trips encourage children to become more independent, socially aware and most importantly for the children to have lots of fun!


The school currently visits Nethercott Farm, Devon ( a working farm) for a week long residential for children in Key Stage two.


Previous school journeys have included:

  • Margaret McMillan House, Kent
  • The Lincolnsfield Centre, Hertfordshire
  • Chateau Beaumont, Mayenne, France
  • Isle of Wight, Sandown
  • Kingswood Activity Centre, kent