Our Intent:
At Crampton we consider Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) to be an integral part of the Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) and Citizenship programme of study. We work to the bespoke Southwark curriculum as well as communicating and receiving feedback from parents and carers regarding their child’s curriculum. We believe that Relationships and Sex education is only effective when community and schools work together in partnership to teach and explain ideas around human development, relationships and sexuality within a safe and comfortable atmosphere.
Pupil Voice is an important part of our monitoring process and we aim to improve and alter the curriculum each year, based on both parent and carer feedback as well as that of the pupils, when discussing what went well each year in their RSE learning.
This policy reflects the requirements of the DCSF Relationships and Sex Education Guidance.
The following aims compliment those of the Science curriculum in KS1 and KS2:
- To have the confidence and self-esteem to value themselves and others
- To understand about the range of relationships, including the importance of family for the care and support of children
- To develop confidence in talking, listening and thinking about feelings and relationships
- To be able to name parts of the body (including genitalia) and describe how their bodies work
- To be prepared for puberty
- To understand the consequences of their actions and behave responsibly within relationships
- To be able to recognise unsafe situations and be able to protect themselves and ask for help and support
- To understand the role the media plays in forming attitudes
- To understand how safe routines can reduce the spread of viruses
Teaching and Learning including delivery of the Curriculum
- RSE is taught within the personal, social, health and economic (PSHE education) curriculum.
- Biological aspects are taught within the science curriculum.
- Pupils also receive stand-alone sex education sessions delivered by a trained health professional, alongside their class teacher
Across all Key Stages, pupils will be supported with developing the following skills:
- Communication, including how to manage changing relationships and emotions
- Recognising and assessing potential risks, including ‘consent’
- Assertiveness
- Seeking help and support when required
- Informed decision making
- Self-respect and empathy for others
- Recognising and maximising a healthy lifestyle
- Managing conflict
- Discussion and group work: Ground rules are set by the teachers and agreed by the class as a whole. These include; not using real names or ‘real life’ examples, being respectful to all backgrounds and faiths, etc.
- RSE discussions are always conducted in a sensitive and confidential manner. If a pupil discloses something that is cause for concern, the teacher/staff concerned will deal with the matter in line with the safeguarding policies of the school.
Role and Responsibilities
- The Governing body will approve the RSE policy and hold the Headteacher to account for its implementation.
- The RSE subject leader will implement the curriculum in line with the Government guidance and Southwark PSHE Team.
- The RSE Subject leader will ensure that RSE is taught consistently across the school as well as providing regular CPD opportunities for staff
- The Headteacher will manage requests to withdraw pupils from non-statutory / non-science components of RSE (detailed further below) in line with the Government guidance.
Staff are responsible for:
- Delivering RSE in a confident, informative and sensitive way
- Modelling positive attitudes to RSE
- Monitoring progress
- Responding to the needs of individuals and considering such needs prior to any unit of work being taught. Any sensitive areas will be discussed with the Senior Team before teaching, as well as discussions with families where appropriate
- Responding appropriately to pupils whose parents wish them to be withdrawn from the non-statutory components of RSE.
- Pupils are expected to engage fully in RSE and when discussing issues related to RSE.
Working with Parents / Carers and Right to Withdraw
From September 2020:
- Primary schools must teach Relationships and Health Education
- Primary: Puberty and reproduction remain within the Science curriculum (Statutory) and therefore must be taught in all schools
- At Crampton we follow the Southwark RSHE curriculum
- Following our RSE & PSHE ‘parent and carer meeting’ in March 2020, by working with parents and carers we have decided to give letters to all year groups prior to RSE lessons to enable them to discuss the issues that will be raised and know what to expect in their child’s curriculum.
- Therefore, letters are sent to parents to make them aware that their child will take part in RSE discussions and parents will be informed of topics for discussion. This decision was based on feedback from our local community and we aim to work in partnership when teaching such an important subject.
- Parents have a right to withdraw their children from the non-statutory/non-science components of RSE lessons. Requests for withdrawal must be put in writing for the attention of the Headteacher.
Review Date: September 2023
Next Review: September 2024