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Behaviour 2023 / 2024

Whole School Behaviour Policy

This policy exists to ensure consistency in practice in relation to issues of behaviour management across the school. All staff understand that children will test boundaries as part of their learning, exploration and understanding of the world. It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that behaviour is of a consistently high standard and to support children in the implementation of this policy.
This policy and its principles apply to the whole school community.


Key Principles for positive behaviour

“Behaviour is the way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially towards others”

“ ‘Good’ child behaviour is not magic; it is a skill just like anything else”




Staff should:

  • create a positive learning environment and hold realistic expectations
  •  emphasise the importance of being valued as an individual within the group
  • promote good behaviour through example, honesty and courtesy
  • encourage relationships based on kindness and in understanding of the needs of others
  • ensure fairness for all with regard to family, cultural, ethnic, racial and religious diversity, age, gender identity, sexual orientation and disability
  • appreciate individual effort over achievement as much as the contribution of all
  •  be aware of the different strengths and needs of children in the school
  • establish honest open relationships with parents so that all children know that the key adults in their lives share a common aim
  • listen to the children; they have a voice
  • understand that children have a strong sense of justice - fairness should underpin any resolution
  •  lead by example when speaking and listening to children


Children should:

  • comply with the school expectations
  • work to the best of their abilities, and allow others to do the same
  • apply kindness, respect and understanding of the needs of others
  • value all children regardless of age, gender, race, ability and disability


Parents should:

  • make children aware of appropriate behaviour and reinforce through their own expectations
  • encourage independence, self-discipline and instil good manners in their children
  • show an interest in all that their child does at school
  • always share their worries or concerns about their child with school staff
  •  support the school in the implementation of this policy
  • encourage your child to tell their teacher or another adult in school if they feel hurt in any way by someone else's behaviour


Governors should:

  • support the partnership between home and school
  • monitor and evaluate the implementation of the schools behaviour policy
  • review the policy regularly

Our School Expectations
Everybody benefits from being kind to one another

  • Always be considerate of the feelings of other people. Do not hurt others with words or actions
  • Always try our best. Work hard and use our learning and play times well
  • Listen to each other’s ideas. Always value another point of view.
  • Always listen to adults. Do not interrupt or answer back.
  • Always move quietly and calmly around the school. Do not run inside the school building; stay safe
  • Look after each other. Take care of your own, and school, property.

At Crampton our school expectations are the core of our behaviour policy

  • We do not believe that ‘exclusion’ will improve a child’s behaviour
  • We want all children to be supported in being able to meet our school expectations
  • Children who are struggling and who may need more support will be managed by the SLT in collaboration with the child’s parents
  •  If a child’s behaviour prevents other children from learning SMT will become involve to provide support
  • Incidences of a child not complying with school expectations will be recorded on the daily behaviour log


Teaching pupils about school expectations
It is important to teach children about behaviour expectations throughout the school through example and consistency of approach.

'You can never make the same mistake twice because the second time it’s a choice'

Opportunities are provided for pupils to discuss and reflect on expectations through a range of approaches including:

  • Class Circle Time
  • Key stage assemblies
  •  Topical displays
  • Crampton ‘Voice’

Redirecting Behaviour
Examples of ways in which staff may do this are through:

  • Tactical ignoring
  •  Clear instruction
  • Non engagement in irrelevant discussion
  • Using positive praise
  • Non-verbal messages
  • Proximity praise
  • De-escalating the potential of confrontational situations



  • Every child begins a new day with a fresh start
  • When a child does not meet the school behaviour expectations the behaviour will be logged
  • Teachers may decide to remove some minutes from a child’s playtime/lunchtime, if appropriate and necessary
  • Whole class sanctions are not effective
  •  Parents should be involved if behaviour is repeated


Vulnerable Pupils

  • Vulnerable children are kept closely monitored at weekly review meeting with SLT and pastoral support provision


Sharing rules and responsibilities

  • Expectations for behaviour, and items included in this document, will be made clear at the beginning of each term. New staff and children need to be made aware of these before entering a class
  • Staff must make every effort to deal with children consistently, following the guidelines outlined in this policy
  •  our school expectations are prominent as part of a display and reinforced in classrooms

Links with home
It is the responsibility of staff to ensure that parents/carers are kept informed about their child’s behaviour – this can be achieved by the following:

  • Achievement certificates
  •  Parent conferences
  • Scheduled termly parent meetings
  • Personally at the end of each school day
  • By appointment
  • Parents will be informed of improved behaviour


Behaviour Expectations at Playtime

  • It is expected that children continue to meet schools behaviour expectations at playtime
  • Children are encouraged to take part in meaningful activities at play times supervised by duty staff
  •  If children are failing to meet behaviour expectations at playtimes, time could be taken from their playtime and the behaviour will be recorded
  • Staff on duty at playtimes will report to the child’s class teacher who will record behaviour incidents



Review Date: September 2023

Next Review: September 2024
